This project is the result of a fraud against me, therefore what follows is the report of a work nightmare. One day my dear friend Ilaria came to me and said: “Riccardo we need TWO OR THREE LITTLE ILLUSTRATIONS for an event about diabetes. We are going to participate as “&CO” which is my association (for which you designed the logo, the facebook page and the youtube channel for free because we are friends).
Everything will revolve around the play by Federico Ferrari, as well as the presentation of his book, “Io & D” (D and I) which will take place at the concert hall of Formigine. Unfortunately MatitaChiara, the illustrator of the book, can’t do this job due to other work commitments, so we decided to fall back on you. Will you help us?” (with heart-eyes).
I tend to melt in front of a woman’s heart-eyes, let alone if she’s a friend. After all, I’m a human being kinder than what my ogre-look makes people think. We meet at my place in order to understand the amount of work expected. I immediately sense the incoming armed robbery against my amazing creativity. We talk about a video, but the person who had been introduced to me as the director and videomaker dissociates himself from any kind of work on that. Ilaria kindly asks if I can do it.
I was pretty aware of what “editing a video of illustrations” meant, so in that circumstance my friend’s heart-eyes met a homicidal streak in mine. But as Forrest Gump taught me, I didn’t have anything better to do and, above all, I’ve always had a thing for illustration and video editing, even if I’ve always had something to do with them only as an almost-ingorant.
It goes without saying that I took up the challenge, starting to design the project that same night. The result counted more than eighty illustrations, eight minutes of editing and a never-ending series of intermidiate video files: no shit.
The protagonists of the story: Dylan, a good looking guy wearing blue jeans, black jacket, red shirt. Dorothy, blond hair, blue eyes and blue skirt; and Mr. D, a quite intrusive big D.

Lin the insulin, represented with the liver’s workers and a big bag of glucose.

The food pyramid divided in all its part: carbs and vegetable fat in the lowest step, fruit and vegetable right above it followed by legumes and seeds, and then it continues with white meat, fish and eggs. In the second to last step we find sweets and red meat.

A detail of the video, on the background there’s a poster of the Movie series directed by Riccardo Pagliani… Author’s product placement.

A detail of the video, a fork with the writing “Mediterranean diet” piercing a globe wrapped in a UNESCO flag.

The D-Alphabet, realized especially for this educational video. This font is very funny, all the letters are capital and irregular.

A detail of the video: God and Darwin are looking at each other dubiously… for some reason.

End of my tirade! Enjoy the video!